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Important Information

As we continue to navigate the ongoing pandemic, our primary focus will be to keep you and your family safe. We will continue to require regular COVID testing for all performers and ask that you consider their safety while serving your families.


We have created a variety of options to accommodate all events, but we kindly ask

that you be transparent with us should you or your guests begin

to exhibit flu or covid symptoms.​ 

Video calls are a completely safe alternative to face-to-face visits and are available to all interested parties.

I apologize for any inconvenience, but understand that the health and safety of my family and yours is of the utmost importance to me.​

COVID - 19

-Maya Hernandez-Pearson, founder of My Fairytale Visits

Areas of Service

We currently offer services in the following cities:

Greater Dallas Area



* = Bookings made in cities marked with a star will require an additional distance fee

Dallas Area Radius Map


This map indicates Dallas's areas that qualify as "local" and thus do not require an additional distance fee. The distance fee for those addresses outside of the radius will be calculated based on the amount of distance of the address from the base zipcode of 75214.

If you believe your visit qualifies for an exemption from the distance fee, please feel free to send us an email! We never want cost to be the issue that prevents you from booking a visit.

Tel: (214) 601-1222

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Making magic in DFW since 2020

*The portrayals & performances of our characters & services are not associated with, affiliated with, or licensed by Walt Disney Company; all of the above are based on generic, look-alike fairytale characters from classic storybooks and fables.*

© 2020 My Fairytale Visits 

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